Thursday, March 18, 2010

Workout Diary……Day 2!

Starting out behind the 8 ball screws up everything down the line, as I’m finding out today. I got out of bed at 6:53, already 23 minutes later than I normally do. So naturally I’m rushed for the rest of the day.

Once the pre show prep is done, I’m over for my usual “carb break” and coffee, and then to the gym. Today however consisted of a warm up routine of twist-squats and rope skips in between. The twist squat is like medieval torture…I take a weight plate and hold it out in front of me, then twisting down to one side, I squat down, and on the upswing, twist the plate up and out. I then reverse direction. I started with a weight plate of 10 lbs, upping it to 12, then 20, 25, and back down to 12. I try and do as many reps as I can to fatigue. On me I carry a 1 pound rope, and between each set of squats, I’ll skip rope 60 times to get my heart rate up.

Once I’m done with that, it’s over to the pullup bar. While I never have trouble doing chinups, overhand pullups are another story. I managed 4 unassisted….then used a thin band to assist me for the next set. Seeing how I was already fatigued, I tried to do another set unassisted, but only managed 2, then tried it with a thin band, and got to the original number of 4. Finally, I thought that I’d like to get in a few more reps than just 4, and used a thicker band which got me up to 10 reps.

Finally, to finish it all off, I hit the elliptical machine for 20 minutes and did 2000 paces. Total time of workout was 75 minutes…and while I would have liked to stay longer and worked more muscle groups, I was there just the same.

During the show’s commercial breaks, I’ll try and do 25 resistance band crunch ups, and 25 side twists on the balance ball.

BTW, my trainer, Chris Larocca, tells me that he’ll be holding a body fat loss competition coming up in April. Can’t wait…..

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