Monday, March 8, 2010

Work out at work…part 2!

One the exercises I’m fond of doing is the resistance band crunch. Whether or not you’ll be able to do this one at work will depend upon your being able to bring a balance ball to work with you.

If you already have the resistance bands, take them and tie them around the base of your desk or the leg of a sturdy table. (The desk would be preferable since it’s sturdier). Then place the balance ball a short distance away from the table or desk….just so much so that you can feel some resistance from the bands. Place the small of your back into the balance ball, and grabbing the handles of the bands, crunch up while holding the resistance bands in front of you.
After about 10 or 15 repetitions you should feel some fatigue in your abs. Try and work in as many sets of these as possible without injuring yourself. I usually go for 3 to 4 sets of 25 on any given day. You can also try holding one of the bands out in front of you, the other hand on your hip; and performing a crunch and twist.

A very simple resistance band abdominal workout using the balance ball is the resistance band twist or as some like to call it a "woodchopper". Again, make sure the resistance band is fastened around the base of your desk. Then, while lying with your back on the balance ball, grab the handles of the resistance bands, and twist your body away from the desk. You’ll be working the muscles along the sides of your abdominals. Do one set twisting one way, then reverse direction and work the other side. I like doing these during commercial breaks, and in the space of 3 to 4 minutes can work both sides of my abs. I’m figuring you should be able to get in a complete abdominal workout in 10 minutes, and still have time to grab a cup of coffee!

The inclusion of the ball offers you countless other opportunities to work out at work.
I’ll be going into some of these in future blogs.

Again,….feel free to offer your own suggestions and feedback on what’s worked for you!

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