Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Workout Diary……Day 1!

Over the next few months, I’m going to use this space to document my progress, or lack thereof, in trying to stick to a workout routine. I’ve mentioned countless times how I wanted to be “jacked by June”…blah, blah, blah. But somehow, I feel the only way to accomplish anything is to put it out there for all to see.

Today was Day 1, and the only reason it was so is because this past weekend, with my daughter’s wedding, my routine had gotten all screwed up. So I begin with today, March 17, 2010.

Once I’m up and out of bed, I head to Dunkin’ Donuts for a medium cup of black coffee and a multigrain bagel plain…to jumpstart my metabolism.

Then it’s off to the gym. Today’s routine will center on working my shoulders, and if time allows, my lats. For my warmup, I take the big fuzzy 8 lb. medicine ball, and throw it up against the wall of the basketball court. I do what I call the “medicine ball squat”, where I squat down, and as I get up, pressing my shoulders up, throw the ball against the wall, allowing it to fall, while I squat down again and repeat the motion. I’ll do 20 of those, and 3 sets of 20. Then, I’ll take the medicine ball and toss it across my body against the wall…doing that in one direction, then the other side….20 times per side…and 3 sets of 20.

Today’s warmup also consisted of taking a thick resistance band, and wrapping it around my ankles, walked forward and backward the length of the basketball court. I did that 3 times…and also tried to walk side to side, but felt some pain in one of my legs, so I only attempted that one once.

Once done with that, onto the weights. For my shoulder workout, I did a barbell clean and press starting with a 45 lb weight, up to 65, then 75, and back to 65. Then a dumbbell shoulder paddle starting with 25 lb weights, up to 30, and another set of 30. My final shoulder movement is a rear deltoid cable press. Once done with that, I worked a close grip bent over lat row band going 45 lbs, 55, 65, and back down to 45. All movements are done to fatigue.

I wrapped it all up with 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine.

Day one….done, and all told it took some 90 minutes.

We’ll see how it goes….I’m shooting for at least 5 days a week.

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