Thursday, September 18, 2008

God bless you if you’re a nurse……

You never know how much you appreciate the people that make up a particular profession until you really need them. Remember back in the day when you’d see bumper stickers that read, “Next time you’re being robbed, call a hippie!”

Well, if I wore a hat, I would tip it to anyone in the nursing profession! They truly do the the work of God here on earth. Imagine having to work long shifts attending to some people who could drive a saint to the brink of insanity! Cleaning, medicating, comforting, wiping butts, the whole 9 yards, and all the while smiling as though that patient were the most important person on earth. Good God! Do you think you’d have anything left “in the tank” once you got home?

The reason I say this is because over the past week my wife was hospitalized after undergoing emergency surgery for severe diverticulitis. And while I think she’s a pretty good patient, if I may be so biased, I had to marvel at the great care she received from the nursing staff at the hospital where her surgery was performed. And, no, I did not play the Ray Rossi card either! She could have been anybody’s wife, mother, sister…and I have to believe that they all would have risen to the occasion.

I would be completely remiss if I didn’t acknowledge their hard work and dedication, and for helping put my wife in a more comfortable state over the last week.

If you’re a nurse……God bless you!