Monday, July 7, 2008

this is the starting point.......

So now we begin the march to "diesel by December". Seeing is how I'm at the advanced age of 56, it's not gonna be easy, not by any stretch. But since I have a little bit of a jump....hopefully it won't be as difficult as I'm making it out to be. And the fact that you'll be along for the ride pumps me up to stay true to my goal.

The first step is to try and shed 10 pounds of flab. (You can probably see it around my's always been a problem.) Next step is to try and bring down my cholestoral numbers....which at the moment are at around a 250. I'm trying to accomplish both with a diet rich in protein.......a shake in the morning after my workout.....then another at around 11 when I'm on my way to work. Lunch will consist of whatever we ate the night before.....usually chicken or pork. For instance, tonight we'll be having my favorite...stuffed that'll be lunch for tomorrow as well. Thrown in some fruit after dinner, and that pretty much rounds out the diet for the week. Weekends are another story. I'll get into that in the next blog.

Here's what I did the past week with my workout:

I started on Sunday the 29th of June with a lower body workout consisting of:

dumbell squats, kettle lunges, lower back hyperextensions, side hyperextensions, pike ups, hangman, medicine ball rotations, and "good morning" with a 45 lb kettlebell.

Monday the 30th I worked with Chris LaRocca from Elite in Manalapan and we worked our shoulders and arms. Tuesday I worked with Brian Wecker at LA Boxing in Marlboro and we worked primarily legs and abs. Wednesday back to Elite to do chest and back. Thursday I took the day off. Friday back at Elite to do some abs and back.

Saturday I took off again. Sunday at Elite for cardio (20 minutes on the Eliptical), squats on the smith machine, barbell deadlifts, some planks, and oblique crunches.

Then this morning at Elite with Chris for 20 minutes of boxing, plus chest and back.

Like I said at the top, this is the starting point.....we'll see how it goes. Just the fact that I'm blogging means I have to keep it up. You're watching!



Frank said...

Hey Ray seeing as you seem to have an aggressive workout regimen along with good dietary habits, you may want to have your Dr check your free testosterone level. It is common for those in your age group to have that spare tire despite your concentration on workouts and food management. If the free testosterone is on the low side, you would want to look into testosterone replacement such as Androgel. Androgel has been proven to aid in midlife for many maladies that are associated with this age and beyond. Just ask some of your workout buds in reference to this. Good luck

Frank said...

Hey Ray seeing as you seem to have an aggressive workout regimen along with good dietary habits, you may want to have your Dr check your free testosterone level. It is common for those in your age group to have that spare tire despite your concentration on workouts and food management. If the free testosterone is on the low side, you would want to look into testosterone replacement such as Androgel. Androgel has been proven to aid in midlife for many maladies that are associated with this age and beyond. Just ask some of your workout buds in reference to this. Good luck

Diane said...

Hi Ray- You are off to a great start!! Ray- you are my motivator to eating healthier and to exercise regularly!

Thank you for sharing your new adventure with the listening audience. You are an inspiration to me!

As a result of your blogging I commit to exercising 30 minutes a day doing cardio and working out with weights half the body every other day. (upper body one day, legs the next)

Good Luck to you!