Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The numbers don't lie.....

....and the numbers are (as of 7/9/08)

weight: 185
body fat: 22 per cent

The goal for the next 3 months is to get the weight down to 175 and the body fat percentage to roughly 15 to 16 percent.

To accomplish this by October 9th, here's my plan:

Workout 5 to 6 days a week, a different muscle group every day, and cardio for 30 minutes every other day. For instance, Monday I boxed with Chris at Elite for approximately a half hour; then did chest and back. Yesterday I did abs and arms with Brian at LA cardio. Today back at Elite with Chris for shoulders and some abs, plus 30 minutes on the elliptical. I also had him take the measurements you see above, and gave him what I thought would be a reasonable timeframe to accomplish the goals.

The other part of it, and it's not easy by a longshot, is diet.

Mornings consist of a cup of black coffee before the workout....and a protein shake after the workout. Midmorning I'll finish off what's left of the shake.
Lunch usually consists of whatever we had the night before...minus the carbs. For instance, the other night we had stuffed I'll have some before airtime, and eat the rest at around 4 or so. My wife makes them with some chopped meat, a little sauce and some rice.

And since today is Wednesday, right after the show we'll go ballroom dancing for an hour, after which we'll have dinner. I think now would be a good time to order the fruit platter.

As I've mentioned before, we'll see how it goes. So far I've seen a bit more definition....and my libido certainly hasn't suffered. Trust me.......if there's one great side benefit to all of this, it's the libido aspect.

Let me know how it all goes on your end, and feel free to post your suggestions.


Anonymous said...

keep up the good work,, just dont break a hip :P

Brian Bott B.S. Exercise Physiology said...

Ray, I listen to you guys all the time on my way to and from work. I'm a personal trainer in Kendall Park NJ and Morganville. If you're interested I'll train you for free along with writing a diet plan. Let me know if I can help! Check out my blog at.

Diane said...

Hi Ray- you are up and running with this venture. Your openness and honesty is refreshing and motivating to me.

Yesterday I committed to working out throughout the week. Suggestion or comment or thought---- Is 3-5 times a week realistic for results??

Ok- this is my no excuse workout plan for now:
Cardio for 30 minutes-- Today I went on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I was able to complete a mile in that time. ☺

Upper Body Work Out: Universal Quatem Machines –Shoulder Press, Vertical Chest, Bicep Curl, Tricep Curl, Lat Pulldown, and Vertical Row
Today ---I completed 3 sets of 12 reps using light weights for each of the above machines. Phewwwwwww!!!!

Tomorrow 7/10/08---I commit to doing the cardio (above) and Lower Body Workout! (3sets,12reps)
Lower Body Work Out: Universal Quatem Machines-- Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Leg Press

THOUGHT: I love the feeling of serenity and calmness after a workout. I must remember that feeling and recapture it when I don’t feel like working out.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: Adding healthy foods each day to my meal plan in place of a non-nutritional food, and not eating after 8:00PM. Addressing The Diet or Food Plan is for another blog.

Ray--your strength and determination is contagious! Continue the great work!


Diane said...

Hi Ray- Just a thought.....What do you think about adding a good supplement to your Rossi Food Plan? You sound like a real active guy and reducing food/calories is great, but you still want to keep up with a sound nutrition. Supplements that are non-synthetic and reputable may be a great addition to the Rossi Food Plan.

I completed the Diane No Excuse Exercise Plan I committed to yesterday. (30 min treadmill/1 mile and Lower body 3 sets,12 reps) FYI- Couldn't finish the 12 reps on the leg extensions and leg curl. I will continue to try.

Hey- another fringe benefit from working out besides the libido thing is a real serene calm sleep throughout the night!

My No Nonsense Food Plan
Not totally ready for this yet! I do like to snack or eat late at night.....Is anyone else guilty of this????? or am I the lone rider??
I am going to commit to not eating past 11:59 PM ;).......OK! OK! How about 8:00 that is better. This will take some real planning because sometimes I am eating dinner around 8ish. We shall see....any suggestions here?

In the mean time....have a great day!


the chervinators said...

There's only so much you can do. You do an incredible workout...we see you at Elite. You have to enjoy life too. Go by how you feel, not the number on the scale. Yes, diet is important, but remember...everything in MODERATION. "Treat" every now and then and don't think of it as a "cheat".

Unknown said...

One thing - lose the coffee.

Other than that - you're on the right track!

Good luck and keep on truckin!