Monday, February 2, 2009

Random thoughts over leftovers…lots of leftovers

A few passing thoughts on the Super Bowl post mortem:

Why is having “just enough” never enough? These days I’m not much of a big eater, and my alcohol consumption is limited to wine; so why is it that when I want to make sure I have enough of everything….I wind up buying more of everything I need. For Super Bowl Sunday, I got at least a case of beer more than I needed, but it doesn’t stop there….it’s soda, crackers, foot long heros, cocktail sauce….oh, and the margarita mix. That plus the Spam I got for Christmas, and I’m set. All I need now is a year’s supply of water, some weapons and a generator and I can hide out in my basement… ready for Armageddon!

Aren’t the commercial breaks there to provide a “nature” break. Being in the media, I sort of have to stay glued to the TV during the whole time, but it’s just not natural. So when you know a seemingly cultural event like “Super Bowl commercials” are about to come on….do you just sit there and squirm like a 5 year old….or hope the Avodart kicks in and allows you to get up at a more opportune time...if there is one?

I’m sorry, but we never got to see what would have been the real halftime show…the girl in the skimpy blouse bouncing up and down in front of Bruce. Perhaps if he’d sung “Dancin’ in the Dark” and pulled her up on stage a la Courtney Cox, we’d have had a little more “bounce to the ounce”. Alas, there was to be no wardrobe malfunction. He only had 12 minutes, and a new album to promote! And, by the way, was she really that into Bruce, or would she have preferred Justin Timberlake?

I’m no football expert…but every now and then I like to shout out what I think is a “b.s.” call by the officials, and then listen to see if anyone agrees with me. Every now and then, judging by the reaction, I get one right! Either that, or my guests are just as stupid as I am!

All parties have a natural ending time! So why is it that when you, as the host, have to feign falling asleep to signal to your guests when it’s time to go! Either that or turn up the volume on “Mic’ed Up”! And they still don’t get the hint!

I’ll never again doubt my daughter’s ability to bang out a mean lasagna in record time. She started at 2:30, and by 5, both were being devoured.

At my wife’s insistence, I put up the decorations she bought for last year’s Super Bowl party….problem is they were all proclaiming the Giants’ NFC champions of 2007! It’s like my Uncle Frankie used to say, “..waste not, want not!”

Finally, it’s good to see that nothing endures like a classic…..Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head! Timeless!


Anonymous said...

Ray, it's okay. Leftovers are good. Think about the trees you saved because you didn't buy new decorations! You awe me. Now, let's get rid of the Giants "stuff" and go for the Eagles. Now, they are green!

mfobiatch said...


NJ101.5 has listed your show as the best thing that happened to NJ. I have to disagree. The best thing that happened to NJ is not you or your show! It would be Howard Stern who broadcasted out of NY. He is truly missed! I laugh at personalities like yourself who make feeble attempts to mimic him. I heard you last night ripping into a listener who called you a racist and questioned your patriotism. Unfortunately, because you ranted and raved like a baby w/ a soiled diaper, he wasn't able to express him. Nice tactic...

I listen to your show from time to time because I like to hear a different point of view. However since Obama began running for President of the United States and even after he became President, you have spent most of your energy trying to point out what you believe he is doing to ruin this country. You've also wasted your energy trying to justify the racist cartoon that was posted by the NY Post. You've gone so far as to say that anyone that was offended by it was "overly sensitve" and just looking for racism. Then you follow up w/ your standard disclaimer that you are intitled to your opinion and your freedom of speech. Yet when others disagree with you, they are quickly dismissed and labeled as an idiot or undeducated.

I just want to tell you that your comments and ideas are racist in my opinion. I share this opinion with a lot of other people. Your constant badgering of Obama is not patriot. Don't you realize that if he fails, we all fail? Do you enjoy the state that this country is in? Since you are so quick to undermine and make negative comments against our President, why don't you offer your ideas?What would you do differently? Oh I forgot you are not the President of the United States and you do not posses same the qualities that got him elected!
You are no Howard Stern! You are a wannabe...And you're not even a good one...Keep up the the hate..I love the fact that you posted the racist cartoon from the NY Post (not)! It shows that you are insensitive to all people of color and you are truly a racist!

Mary Elise said...

Hmmm.....I'm sorry, I must have missed something here. Was your post about the president? :-)

Anyway, I read a long time ago that Courtney Cox wasn't familiar with Bruce or his music at the time of the video, so it's possible she might have preferred to shake it to some other band.