Monday, October 5, 2009

"Lunchroom View"

Opinions are like, well….you know; everyone has one, and even though you get your fill of them here; you really get them in abundance out of the lunchroom.

And depending on your point of view, if you work with a lively bunch of “chiachiaones” (big mouths), lunchtime can either be especially annoying, or revealing! Sometimes, when the din reaches ear-splitting levels, I’ll just put the iPod on and bliss out to Yanni or something equally embarrasing. However, I am nosey by nature, so there are those times when the lunchtime "bochinche" is just too irresistible…and loads of fun!

Take the other day……I’ve learned, even as I’d been typing, that one of my coworkers is ruminating over their sexual past, and how karma is going to work itself out now that middle school aged daughters are involved. Ooofaa! That one never goes well!

Then there’s today’s edition of “Lunchroom View”….talk of claymation cartoons a la “Mr. Bill” and “Davey and Goliath”; how long have you gone without showering; Bruce at the Meadowlands not selling out; and bad cases of “ass acne”, and is it a precursor to something more heinous…all while I’m devouring last nights still partially frozen arroz con pollo. Despite the “ass acne” talk, I can’t tear myself away from the chicken! Yeah, I’m that hungry! And I never knew that ass acne requires a dermotoligist’s care, and if it’s covered by insurance!

The ghost of Rodney Dangerfield will appear every now and then to impart some wisdom…I’d give you an example, but since Rodney never got any respect in real life, why start now!

Yes, lunchtime can be truly revealing! Sort of like being a fly on the wall in a group therapy session. Now if I only can get the image of ass acne out of my head!


Anonymous said...

i feel bad no one responded to your blog, so ill be the first and tell you that i read it and i enjoyed it and dont feel bad paizon!!1

Unknown said...

Its "paesan" if you mean friend of the "old country" "one of us" etc. With all due respect you cannot spell for ****.

raysnj1015blog said...

don't feel bad.....I write them for s**ts and giggles!